~ My first meeting (baby steps) ~

So, I'm four months in and I have my first meeting today at 5pm as a direct result of my emails.  It's not with Corrie though before you wet yourselves with excitement.  It's with a theatre director.  I saw one of his productions a few weeks ago and made contact as one of "my three" a couple of weeks ago.
This campaign is all about spreading the word and work breeding work.  Even a director, I worked with a couple of years ago on a short film, directed her first two episodes of Hollyoaks as of yesterday.
It's gonna happen for me.  It's just a matter of time.
If you're reading this, what have you done today to spread the "The Corrie Campaign" love? Maybe send a link to someone.  They don't even have to be in the industry.  PLEASE!

Why the piccie of Caffè Nero? Well, it was director's meeting place of choice and I noted his well observed double "FF" in Caffè.  He  informed me it's cause it's Italian for black coffee.  I always knew Nero was Italian for black but hadn't thought about it referring to the coffee.  I think I might order a white tea to be controversial.  

Anyway, I can't believe you're still reading this.  It's not even that interesting.


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